Friday, August 9, 2013

Feng Shui Defined - by: Jane Kifer

As my Mentor quotes an ancient Chinese poem " The Winds are mild, The sun is bright, The water is clear, The trees are lush" It represents harmony between heaven and earth. He goes on to describe that establishing such harmony in our homes and communities brings good vital energy to us, bringing more opportunities, goodness and joy. I feel the following words describe this seemingly mystical physical science best. And I quote my mentor "Feng Shui involves awareness of the many ways housing location, buildings, and environment can affect a person's daily activities and moods, and influence health, economic life and relationships. Feng Shui promotes happiness and success by adjusting the interior and surrounding environment of a home or workplace to overcome factors that oppose us and to strengthen what already benefits us." (The Modern Book of Feng Shui, by: Steve Post) Enough said really! Now that doesn't sound weird does it? That sounds totally practical realistic and great I think! And makes it all make so much more sense. Only took years of learning to get to. But thankfully I am now here.

Ironic? I don't think so!- by: Jane Kifer

I do find it interesting that the day my friends from Crump and Pal came to pick up the 20 bags of stuff, power tools, fabric, yarn, etc, neatly piled in the middle of my garage, I received a nice order and check from a t.v. show for my jewelry and found out we were top of the list for a house we are applying to live in! Like in minutes it all materialized. NICE, I like how that works! Poof, physical and energetic lines had a clearer path to get to me without all the "stuff" in the way. Keep it coming, keep it coming, what else can I get rid of lingering around in the eaves of my life and or right in front of my face? Oh that damn steel bat in the yard and the pogo stick my son uses once a year to jump rope with, NOT KIDDING. Maybe I should keep the pogo stick, this house we want has a pool and he could pogo/catapult into it! Hmmmmmm I'll keep you posted, literally.