Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Water Puts Out Fire - by: Jane Kifer

Elements and personality. Have you ever noticed, one person in particular really fires you up? Other's help you feel supported? Some put you down? It is fascinating to do people's chinese numbers and see the relationship of all of their elements. My son, as much as he loves me and treasures me and needs me and feels supported by me, he also feels I put him down in a way, no matter how I say something or that I say something. I am fire and he is metal. I have the power to melt him. And I noticed my boyfriend who is earth, actually produces my son. You can see the amazing flourishing relationship. My son feels fed and nurtured and supported by him. In the cylce of production, wood feeds fire, fire produces earth, earth creates metal, metal produces water and water feeds wood to grow. Then there is the over powering cycle. Earth contains water, as in a river, metal chops wood, as in an axe. Water puts out fire, and wood moves earth as in tree roots. We all have some version of some of these elements in our personality and the relationship between them is fascinating.