Saturday, August 24, 2013

Boundaries And Trust - by: Jane Kifer

The yin yang symbol which for years I saw as an over used icon that people had little connection with. Ironically it is the basis for most of what we are learning. In the image there is a black thread around the yin and yang symbol as we know it. The Tai Chi which is the ying and yang comes together and the circle around binds the emptiness and everything. This earth matter boundary creates form and energy. Without earth we wouldn't exist, we would be Tao, we must have earth as transition to define. The earth balances each element as we move through the annual cycle. My teacher said " Boundaries are what create trust." This was such a huge metaphor. Of course the obvious physical reality, coupled with the resounding lesson of everything, boundaries for ourselves, with our children, with what we create in our own existence as form and reality. It's beautiful mind blowing.