Sunday, July 28, 2013

Fascinating Logo Facts - by: Jane Kifer

As we study business and logos, it is fascinating to see a logo and it's positive or negative components as it relates to Feng Shui. Based on the Ba Gua, if you apply the map to your logo, it is apparent where the challenging areas are and where the successes are. The logo for my children's school, has a sort of loop around the name with an opening- not a fully closed circle, in the relationship corner. I saw this, but knew nothing about the relationships between the heads of school and anyone they dealt with. As time evolved, I realized the relationships are not great and there is poor communication and no one seems to ever like each other or get along. Amazing! Then I looked at our old school which is a triangle. It lacks the relationship and abundance areas, and this is clearly a challenge in the school, it is constantly loosing money, there are many different modes of thinking which result in not being able to move forward because of the lack of cohesiveness amongst the varying interests and ways of those involved. It's totally intriguing!I love how everything has symbolic representation in ways we don't even know about yet!