Monday, October 7, 2013

Feng Shui Is a Practice, Not a Belief - by: Jane Kifer

As I was hanging a crystal in a long hallway in my house, I measured the string and made sure it was in the right spot. I meditated, filled my heart with intention as I blessed it and I thought, "Feng Shui isn't a belief, it is a practice." When we first started taking these classes, I connected with the physics of it, I connected with the elements of nature, I connected with feeling and how things flow or get stuck. Nancy listened intently and said " I'm not convinced yet." As we learned more and more and practiced more and more and studied more and more, and we see the results in our lives, we realized very quickly, it isn't anything to believe or not believe or be skeptical of, it is a practice, a moment of concentrated intention of connecting with yourself, with a universal energy. When you are skeptical, or caught up in being disconnected which is where we live most of our day, it is easy to say "Blah, not sure I believe it" But when you STOP and take a moment for yourself, for a breath, for a moment to not attach to any schedule, fear, person, obligation, ego filling work, exercise, accolade, drink, or friend and just "BE" to use the cliche- there is a sort of connection with a universal truth that melts layers and years and inches of attachments away. It is a clean clear connection to something that has no words, shape, sound, - yet is on the precipice of form. Doing the work, the internal and external work, creates the practice of Feng Shui. Years ago I would read books on Feng Shui, or try to anyway! I had no idea there were different schools of thought, I didn't understand it and it seemed to contradict itself. I was worried there would be bad luck if I placed something in the wrong spot or way. Now that I am less afraid and doing the work and studying and practicing the art of it, I realize saying, "Do you believe in Feng Shui?" is as if one were to say "Do you believe in Yoga? or running, or skiing." It is a practice, a passion, a feeling, a way of life- you can do it a lot, a little or not at all. I guess for the skeptics out there I'm just offering, learn more. Put your fears on the table as you consider a different way. When I hang the crystal I don't blindly believe and I don't think, "Well let's see if that works!" That would be attaching to fear. What I do think and the door into this idea for me was, I do see how this hallway is long and flows straight out the door. And I do see how this crystal refracts the light and would naturally diffuse the energy, say light energy into a less linear plane, and if that's all I know then that is enough for me. I have been doing things like this and months into this now I see my life is unfolding in beautiful ways, things I have been open to for a while are now flooding to me easily and quickly!