Saturday, March 12, 2016

Feng Shui Space Clearing

You can clear a space in many ways! PICK UP YOUR STUFF. Just kidding. But really that does hold energy. Some things I think are obvious, but I have seen many spaces where the energy is heavy. There are entities lingering or predecessor chi of prior inhabitants. You can clear it with clearing mantras and burn sage, and sometimes simply OPEN THE WINDOWS! Fix the broken window. Open the curtains, let light and air in. I frequently will open everything to get it moving. I feel like that is the no brainer, but I am amazed at how many consultations I go on where this is not done. And things are stuck! I would get life chi in there. Air, Light, and do some clearing mantras. Contact me for specific recommendations based on your situation but clear that space! Ghosts, entities, ancestral chi, all that can feel weighing on you, make you tired, keep you from moving forward. Take a deep breath and let the life in! - And the unwanted parts OUT!