Saturday, December 23, 2017

Patterns , Readjusting and Clearing Patterns

Damnit! Those patterns, those behaviors, that keep coming up. I don't mean eating or smoking weed or reacting or being defensive. I mean those themes that just don't seem to go away! It can be anything! I feel Fat, Why do I still feel like I have no money! Sometimes it feels like no matter how much, belief, meditation, angels, prayer or wine we drink or yoga we do, or running we do, its still there!!! Recently I had a recurring theme that I thought GEEZUS! Clearly it's trying to get my attention. So rather than think positively, hope and pray and believe, - which did NOT make it go away, when The same thing happened AGAIN with a work situation, I thought "Hold the presses! Clearly there is a lesson I need to learn. WHAT IS IT!?" Asking that question and breaking it down and shedding light on it, is like an instant incinerator to the problem! Poof, it all goes up in flames when you identify it. And then you can move forward. Email me for specific help with your theme that keeps popping up and preventing you from Growing and moving on Already!!!! And visit for more on the work I do and we can do together. It's a new time, it's a new moon, it's a new year. It'll happen, just keep putting one foot in front of the other in the direction of your dreams.