Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Where to put plants in Feng Shui

Put plants Everywhere!put them on top of the toilet. Put them on a shelf where there is a space between the ceiling and the cabinet. Put them in a space in a room where feels like dead space, between a couch end and a wall. Put them outside to section off a missing part of the house. Put them and empower them, pray for them, take care of them. Water them, be kind to them, knowledge them Enjoy them. Let them work of you in trade.

Feng Shui Relationships

OH the irony! In my last house I had placed two stalks of bamboo in the relationship corner. They grew, thrived etc. I moved. I had them in my relationship corner. My boyfriend moved out. I moved the bamboo to my altar. My boyfriend and I of 6 years officially broke up. After a week I noticed the one stalk was dying. Yesterday as I lie in bed, I saw it slumped and bent over. I got up and threw it in the trash. Wow, the energetic hologram. Our space is really a reflection of our inner being and our inner being really is a reflection of our space. I partially think about, how if all is empowered in my adjustments and acknowledgments did it all unfold in this way. Then I realize, it all raises the vibration and I empowered it with my highest of intentions and good for myself in relationships- which might not be that with him. Of course it is sad in parts, but it all also really feels very good and right. I am continually fascinated how energy flows, gets stuck and gets reflected in the metaphor of our home.

Feng Shui and depression

I recently did a consultation and the house felt sad. The building was very old and run down. Her apartment was amazing and big but this huge sadness took over. She had mouth, jaw and speech issues that were becoming quite severe in her adulthood that she hadn't even known she had before. A major part of our time was talking about creating joy. We also discussed what to hang in the joy area, the creativity and children area. I asked "Does it bring you joy?" When I left she pulled out this yellow metal large hanging of the word "JOY". I said that's it! Hang it! Turns out the mouth is the joy area, so no coincidence there! I love Feng Shui