Monday, September 23, 2013

The Roof Over Our Head and the Rock Under Our Feet - by: Jane Kifer

My boyfriend and I recently moved in together. As we moved into this new space, I suddenly, like a bump on the head, realized a direct correlation with his life and his old space. His sweet little bungalow lifted above ground- teetering over the carport, offered a sweet haven of isolation. He lived there about 8 years. It was beautiful and quaint. There were resounding themes he dealt with, which started to feel like a script or cliche to me, but for him were very real active things he dealt with regularly. They were his reality for sure. He said many many many times that he didn't feel supported. Well poof! How could he with a 3 car open air space beneath him where neighboring tenants and he parked thankfully to escape the no parking ever beach traffic. And his bedroom was in a loft. Cozy, romantic, yes, BUT he could not stand up fully at all. Ever. He bumped his head many times just climbing into and out of the space. He also never in the time that I knew him was able to reach his full professional potential. He has the skills and the credits but his jobs in that time period, seemed to fall short of his full capacity. He is capable and worthy, embodies greatness easily and comfortably but he was unable to fully stand to his tallest potential in the jobs he was in and his bedroom! Also he would get stopped from forward momentum. I don't think the couch placed right when you walked in the door was a good choice. You actually had to turn around and close the door in order to move passed it, or you would walk into the couch. As we were discussing this the other day at what I thought was a pretty cool analysis, he looked at me and added " Huh, All true and yeah, You had a foundation, but it was crumbling" HA! TRUE! My old house was literally crumbling under and around me. Walls cracking, floorboards disintegrating from termite damage and it's about to be demolished. Oh My God! I love it!!!!