Monday, November 7, 2016

Addiction and Energy

Think about addiction, typically people associate it to a substance, sugar, drugs, alcohol. But how about all the addictions we have to a pattern, behavior, story, reaction. That stuff locks in and takes hold. It's our go to safe place to fill the void, so we don't feel empty, alone, not valued, insecure. We react, we tell ourselves what comforts us, we believe something over and over. it's imprinted, it has saved us. How about we consider holding the discomfort, the insecurity, the freak out. IT IS NOT EASY. But don't fill it with reactions, over exercising, taking care of everyone, drugs, sugar. Hold it, breath, own it, name it. I lately have been finding I tell myself" OH you want to freak out right now because you feel rejected" and I have to keep breathing and then I watch it go by- like on a train car. Observing it but trying very hard not to lock in to it. I feel rejected but the "other" is not actually rejecting me. Or are they? it actually doesn't even matter. It is just locked in trauma trying to come OUT! Set it free.