Saturday, December 31, 2016
Feng Shui Stuck Energy, Physical and Ghosts
Mostly I experience 2 ways for energy to be stuck, there are more, but I wanted to discuss two here. Sometimes it is the physical realm. The way a table or a couch is lined up creates a pocket of space where energy can get stuck. Put a light, add a pant. Add a chi giving energizing adjustment. Move that energy around. A space behind your bed if there is one. Add a plant or a light to any area where a seemingly locked pocket of space gets created.
As in this photo. It is great they have a light at the end of the couch. They should add something behind that chair in the back right corner, and potentially between the chair and the TV console.
The other way I experience stuck energy is energetically. Typically it is ancestors past lingering: People who have already died but linger around and in your home. It is stuck because it is way past the point of them accompanying you for any benefit. I sort of do a mental intuitive scan ( I can do this in your bodies as well) but in your home, I pass light through it energetically and I can see and feel where there are lingering dark parts. In these cases, I highly recommend repeated mantras to shift the energy and stir it up. Transmuting and clearing mantras in particular, like the White Tara or Padmasambhava to name two. Also, OPEN the Windows regularly. Let the energy flow out! and new air in. Burn dried orange peels or other dispelling scents that serve you.
I also highly recommend you THANK THEM for their care and help and being there for you but that you do not need them any longer and must pass on in their own journey. I used the term ghost in the title because that's what people think of but its more of an existing energy. And please know there is no evil necessarily. It is just their connection to you no longer serves you , but they are not intentionally there to harm you and there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm making the distinction because I think sometimes when people die, they do stick around, like a child to a mother or a husband or wife to the other, as the person heals. But typically they pass on once they are no longer needed. In some cases I see that these energies have stuck around for many generations and their time is done. Everyone is attaching to the fragmented parts and no longer need to be. Everyone can let go.

Feel it in your body, Feel your body
I have talked about this before, of where you feel things in your body as they arise, like anger, fear, sadness. But this door in is a little different. For the past few months I have been quite aware, in the shower when I put on the scrubby gloves and Dr. Bronner's soap and give my body the daily ritual scrub down, I am acutely aware of tiny sensations in different areas. Sometimes it's the back of my thighs, sometimes my calves. Sometimes my arms or my stomach. I always notice it. I know different parts represent different things in life and that we store things in different areas of our body, but I am always mindful, that though I do not know th meaning, that something is being recognized. Even the simplest thing as it feels amazing to pass the scrubby gloves past that area. Recognize it, honor it, notice it. Stuff's happening!
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