Saturday, December 31, 2016
Feng Shui Stuck Energy, Physical and Ghosts
Mostly I experience 2 ways for energy to be stuck, there are more, but I wanted to discuss two here. Sometimes it is the physical realm. The way a table or a couch is lined up creates a pocket of space where energy can get stuck. Put a light, add a pant. Add a chi giving energizing adjustment. Move that energy around. A space behind your bed if there is one. Add a plant or a light to any area where a seemingly locked pocket of space gets created.
As in this photo. It is great they have a light at the end of the couch. They should add something behind that chair in the back right corner, and potentially between the chair and the TV console.
The other way I experience stuck energy is energetically. Typically it is ancestors past lingering: People who have already died but linger around and in your home. It is stuck because it is way past the point of them accompanying you for any benefit. I sort of do a mental intuitive scan ( I can do this in your bodies as well) but in your home, I pass light through it energetically and I can see and feel where there are lingering dark parts. In these cases, I highly recommend repeated mantras to shift the energy and stir it up. Transmuting and clearing mantras in particular, like the White Tara or Padmasambhava to name two. Also, OPEN the Windows regularly. Let the energy flow out! and new air in. Burn dried orange peels or other dispelling scents that serve you.
I also highly recommend you THANK THEM for their care and help and being there for you but that you do not need them any longer and must pass on in their own journey. I used the term ghost in the title because that's what people think of but its more of an existing energy. And please know there is no evil necessarily. It is just their connection to you no longer serves you , but they are not intentionally there to harm you and there is nothing to be afraid of. I'm making the distinction because I think sometimes when people die, they do stick around, like a child to a mother or a husband or wife to the other, as the person heals. But typically they pass on once they are no longer needed. In some cases I see that these energies have stuck around for many generations and their time is done. Everyone is attaching to the fragmented parts and no longer need to be. Everyone can let go.

Feel it in your body, Feel your body
I have talked about this before, of where you feel things in your body as they arise, like anger, fear, sadness. But this door in is a little different. For the past few months I have been quite aware, in the shower when I put on the scrubby gloves and Dr. Bronner's soap and give my body the daily ritual scrub down, I am acutely aware of tiny sensations in different areas. Sometimes it's the back of my thighs, sometimes my calves. Sometimes my arms or my stomach. I always notice it. I know different parts represent different things in life and that we store things in different areas of our body, but I am always mindful, that though I do not know th meaning, that something is being recognized. Even the simplest thing as it feels amazing to pass the scrubby gloves past that area. Recognize it, honor it, notice it. Stuff's happening!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Easy Meditation , it most certainly is not!
I just completed a 40 day 31 min meditation as part of my kundalini training. I was surprised that it DID NOT get easier! At all. 31 minutes doesn't get rushed. My legs never got more comfortable. But I kept at it. I did it 40 days straight. I also recently did white tantric which is an all day meditation with hundreds of people. The longest was 62 minutes, the shortest 31 minutes. My friend said "You must be so blissed out." I said "NO I MOST CERTAINLY AM NOT!" It was hard. It felt like gargling gravel. I hysterically laughed uncontrollably and tears were streaming down my face. I cried deep sadness. I wanted to crawl OUT OF MY SKIN and run out of the building. But I kept at it. I continued to look in and focus on my partner's eyes. I did it. I sat with the discomfort, my legs feeling numb, my nerves completely annoyed. Fidgeting, Mind wondering. I welcomed and sat next to my seasoned friends and saw also THEIR discomfort! Even they 15 years in are uncomfortable. It isn't easy, it isn't ever easy. But we keep doing it. It completely strengthens the nervous system, makes for a stronger constitution, that I can feel. I am glad the counting is over, I am also very glad that I was committed and dedicated and completed the 40 days. I will continue, this is a lifestyle choice, this I cannot not do. I am a better human for it. A better mother, woman, person, light being. I was nervous to do the whole day of white tantric, and excited. As I was there I thought" I have no idea what this is doing and it is so uncomfortable but I have a feeling I will sign right back up for the next one" because the results in my walking life are so profound and upgraded, how could I not? I will do it, I am doing it and for that I am grateful.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Addiction and Energy
Think about addiction, typically people associate it to a substance, sugar, drugs, alcohol. But how about all the addictions we have to a pattern, behavior, story, reaction. That stuff locks in and takes hold. It's our go to safe place to fill the void, so we don't feel empty, alone, not valued, insecure. We react, we tell ourselves what comforts us, we believe something over and over. it's imprinted, it has saved us. How about we consider holding the discomfort, the insecurity, the freak out. IT IS NOT EASY. But don't fill it with reactions, over exercising, taking care of everyone, drugs, sugar. Hold it, breath, own it, name it. I lately have been finding I tell myself" OH you want to freak out right now because you feel rejected" and I have to keep breathing and then I watch it go by- like on a train car. Observing it but trying very hard not to lock in to it. I feel rejected but the "other" is not actually rejecting me. Or are they? it actually doesn't even matter. It is just locked in trauma trying to come OUT! Set it free.
Friday, October 21, 2016
Feng Shui and Kundalini
Feng Shui is alignment with your home and earth and Kundalini its perfect partner, Alignment with the universe and cosmos. Sound current, Mantra locks into that alignment.
Your Prescription: Meditate
You wish that guy would call? Meditate. You are sad? Meditate. You are Mad? Meditate. You wish someone in your office would treat you differently? Meditate. You are insecure about your body? Meditate. You feel unsettled? Meditate. You are over joyed? Meditate? Life is perfect? Meditate. You want Money? Meditate. Start somewhere, do it. Take deep breaths. Google it, search it, ask someone. It can take as little as 3 minutes a day. It will change your life.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
Repeating Patterns
My friend said this term recently "got to burn it out". It was so perfect. It has stayed with me. She was saying if she left her certain job she has- with a really bad dynamic and a horrible boss, she would just choose another one with the same situation. She realized she had to stay and "burn it out". I realized that's exactly what I did in my relationship. I knew it was done many months before but I couldn't just run away- Like I have in the past. I had to go THROUGH it, had to let it run its course, be patient, get strong, stay balanced, and wait for the right time. And it unfolded smoothly, responsibly, clearly The same thing happened with my job. A situation had arisen and I wanted to leave. In my younger days I would have been OUTA THERE! And even months later when I knew I was going to leave, it wasn't time yet. Things came to a head and I wanted to quit immediately. I was angry. I was justified. I paused. I didn't send the emails I wanted, I didn't react. I took deep breaths, waited and responded. Then a couple weeks later I gave my notice after I had secured a new job. It all aligned perfectly. I reflected that it was the same"result" in that I left, but had I left in my initial freak out I actually would not have come to the stage and idea of the new work I was switching to. I would have left empty, reacting and not balanced. I had to burn it out. To the bitter end. And it was calm, smooth and easy.
Monday, July 4, 2016
NEW MOON , Kundalini and Feng Shui
As I deepen my Kundalini practice, I experience more tools in my "healing " kit. I have my Feng Shui tool box and the Kundalini technology, meditations and sound current lock perfectly into adding into these tools. Kundalini yoga is a technology of alignment. As is Feng Shui in the physical space. In learning more about the moon and it's phases - i.e.: waning moon is a time of releasing, I take salt baths to help carry out the impurities for greater effects in the waning moon. Writing your intentions in the new moon as I have discovered with Guru Jagat and Harijiwan, is like a Feng Shui empowerment. You write, "I am easily finding myself..." and list away. Everything you want for yourself. It is like planting a seed with all the power of the ethers and the universe helping to build and unfold your free will.
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Feng Shui Tips
#1Bed should Face the door. Feet towards the door. Add security, see who’s coming is the metaphor. If you cannot put up a mirror so you can see the door!
#2 Look in your relationship corner do you have photos of single women? 1 man? Think 2. Two plants a photograph of two people.
Pop a plant in a spot between a couch and a wall. Chi gets stuck in those places.
#4 Having health issues? Put a natural sand colored pillow on your chair.
#5 Do you know some office buildings create precarious steps so when their clients com to them for meetings, they are always in charge? They create an unstable entry for the person taking the meeting. It lends itself to the company being in charge and more powerful.
Put a plant on the top of your toilet! The idea is water feeds wood and energy goes up rather than drains down!
#7 In a meeting, need to be in control? Take the seat that faces the door> Need to let the person you are speaking to feel in control? Take the seat with your back to the door.
#8 That person always bug you? Do you constantly feel put down by that family member or friend? Maybe your 9 star elements are fire and water and they literally put out your fire with their water? Maybe you are metal and their fire burns you. Understanding this helps you compartmentalize things and how you interact.
#9 Do it with intention. Be mindful of where and how and why you put something somewhere both in the sense of your mess and your positioning. Place it with intention with a prayer for yourself and what you want.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Where to put plants in Feng Shui
Put plants Everywhere!put them on top of the toilet. Put them on a shelf where there is a space between the ceiling and the cabinet. Put them in a space in a room where feels like dead space, between a couch end and a wall. Put them outside to section off a missing part of the house. Put them and empower them, pray for them, take care of them. Water them, be kind to them, knowledge them Enjoy them. Let them work of you in trade.
Feng Shui Relationships

Feng Shui and depression
I recently did a consultation and the house felt sad. The building was very old and run down. Her apartment was amazing and big but this huge sadness took over. She had mouth, jaw and speech issues that were becoming quite severe in her adulthood that she hadn't even known she had before. A major part of our time was talking about creating joy. We also discussed what to hang in the joy area, the creativity and children area. I asked "Does it bring you joy?" When I left she pulled out this yellow metal large hanging of the word "JOY". I said that's it! Hang it! Turns out the mouth is the joy area, so no coincidence there! I love Feng Shui
Saturday, March 12, 2016
Feng Shui Space Clearing
You can clear a space in many ways! PICK UP YOUR STUFF. Just kidding. But really that does hold energy. Some things I think are obvious, but I have seen many spaces where the energy is heavy. There are entities lingering or predecessor chi of prior inhabitants. You can clear it with clearing mantras and burn sage, and sometimes simply OPEN THE WINDOWS! Fix the broken window. Open the curtains, let light and air in. I frequently will open everything to get it moving. I feel like that is the no brainer, but I am amazed at how many consultations I go on where this is not done. And things are stuck! I would get life chi in there. Air, Light, and do some clearing mantras. Contact me for specific recommendations based on your situation but clear that space! Ghosts, entities, ancestral chi, all that can feel weighing on you, make you tired, keep you from moving forward. Take a deep breath and let the life in! - And the unwanted parts OUT!
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