Monday, October 6, 2014

Trauma and Light - by: Jane Kifer

Our mentors say that traumas occur in our lives and can make a lesion on our brain. The lesion allows and opens up an opportunity for sickness and vulnerability. Essentially stuck energy. In all areas that are stuck, if you envision an energetic light passing through your entire being and portion of your body, you will only aid in reparation and redevelopment of healthy cells. It is an energetic shift. Calm your heart, center your being, however you are comfortable doing that. If you don't know how, just start by sitting calmly or lying down. Take deep breaths and picture a golden light washing over your entire being and inside and out of every nook and cranny of your inside self. Doing this will rejuvenate and heal and will support anything else you are doing for yourself. Picture all that black tar stuck stuff getting burned up in the sun. Let the universe deal with your unwanted "stuff".