Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Grime - by: Jane Kifer
I'll admit it, I don't like dealing with it! GRIME! Slime. The yuck under your stove, top of the fridge, the walls!??!?!? When my old amazing antique Wedgewood stove broke and a repair man came, he pulled it out to deal with it and he looked at me and slowly uttered with his southern draw, "Y o u, maht want to take dis oppOtunity to deal wi dat." As I looked at him, paused and turned my head in the direction he nodded towards, I saw the GRIME. The dust and built up YUCK from tenants ago that wasn't even mine! Not only was I carrying my junk in my home, but other people's junk too! EEEEWWWWW, I scraped, wiped, cleaned and did it all again. He patiently worked and waited and once I felt it was clean, he pushed the very old stove back. JUST WIPE IT! This is a lesson I definitely need to tell myself! It literally is a reflection. What do we allow on our surface, in the eves of our psyche? At our foundation? Interesting to consider. Jane Kifer
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Broken Things - by: Jane Kifer
The object BROKE, the metaphor is HUGE. Whenever I accidentally break a cup or something, I always try to back track and see exactly what I was thinking about at that time. It's usually pretty interesting to say the least. I have hung on to very special pottery for most of my adult life, that a very special, grandmother like person made. I hung on to every inch of it in an effort to hang on to every inch of her. Even if it was cracked and leaking, even if it was chipped. I needed to. She was my safety as a child. She saved me, she was the one who was there! IT was the least I could do! She was so very special. I needed to cling (because that is the word I choose to use, it clearly has other connotations...) to any connection I had left to her that I could maintain now that she died - she died 21 years ago! It occurred to me through studying Feng Shui, that this was not healthy. As much as I love and loved her as much as she helped form me and I value her, I am literally clinging to the broken parts. Not the alive, vibrant parts of her. I needed to let it go. I took a photo of it, which used to work for me, but even that, I see now, is clinging to some of the broken pieces. I will delete them, but this was a helpful way for me to transition into giving things away, it was a start. I can let these these special shards of pottery go when I put them in the green bin to go back into the earth. When I recently let go of about 6 items of hers, I laughed out loud and suddenly realized she was laughing at me for keeping all that broken stuff for all those years. If she were alive, and I can hear in the alive part of her spirit now, she would have smashed them to the ground and said, "LET GO JANE, they are broken, why do you want these?!"
Once when I was making jewelry with a German steel tool, I was pondering something about my intention around a certain area in my divorce. I was wondering if in setting certain boundaries, I was being rude and mean and if I was looking at all the parts. As I twisted the wire around the beads in the necklace I was making, all of the sudden, the German steel unbreakable- last 20 years tool, snapped off! Flew across the room and shot straight into the wall! I sat there, slightly frozen and looked up where it flew and hit and thought, "Oh shit." I was still. I thought, "Oh my god, I am really glad that didn't hit my eye. That would have sucked." Then it metaphorically hit me! Poof! What? Do I need to be hit in the head to "see" it?!?!?!? and make it clear for me? That thought I was having when it all went down, suddenly became VERY clear, and I stopped second guessing myself based on fears.
All of those broken things we hold on to: intending to fix, intending to glue, intending to make into art, intending to take to repair, intending to give to someone who could easily fix it. GET RID OF IT! You are literally hanging on to the broken parts. Let them go. Perhaps look at it as if the "thing" is telling you it's time and purpose are OVER, say thank you very much and move on!
Monday, July 29, 2013
I Ching - by: Jane Kifer
Hahahahahaha! Yes we are studying the Iching. Amazing. I have no idea how it works as of yet, but the part I mostly connect with is, it is called "the book of changes". As I have read and done some readings, I realize this the most- I, typically seek fixed answers. What is this answer, what shall I do , when will this get better? And with most of these readings, I am dissatisfied. Mostly because there is not an absolute answer. OF COURSE, and I have come to wrap around that pretty little brain of mine, that things change. Sometimes, it is a slow, yet active patient change. Sometimes the change is a paced evolution, not less kinetic or effective, but not a finite, direct, instant answer. This is something I realized in getting back together with my boyfriend. We had a breakdown of sorts at one point. I blamed him for all the wrong parts, only to finally see all the parts that worked and the parts I also contributed to what I call the breakdown of us. In reaching out to him again, I had to believe that things could be better. It was a new understanding that people can change and grow and evolve. Of course the old fearful adage, "people don't change" tried to creep in and I said, STOP, WAIT! I sure as hell hope I have grown and changed and am making better choices for myself and my life, I would have to believe he has too. I knew I had to believe this for him as well (I saw the change in him on a core level, but I was still skeptical and stayed away) if I honestly hoped and believed that for myself. Turns out I was right. haha. We both had "changed" for the better, we went through our deepest darkest fears alone and emerged clearer with less baggage towards each other. Now in terms of the iching and any life question I have asked, the answer is always the same, in a way, Hang in there! Maybe that is just my "fortune" and lesson on this plane, but the continuous theme is ever so clear. I think I finally have started to hear it.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Fascinating Logo Facts - by: Jane Kifer
As we study business and logos, it is fascinating to see a logo and it's positive or negative components as it relates to Feng Shui. Based on the Ba Gua, if you apply the map to your logo, it is apparent where the challenging areas are and where the successes are. The logo for my children's school, has a sort of loop around the name with an opening- not a fully closed circle, in the relationship corner. I saw this, but knew nothing about the relationships between the heads of school and anyone they dealt with. As time evolved, I realized the relationships are not great and there is poor communication and no one seems to ever like each other or get along. Amazing! Then I looked at our old school which is a triangle. It lacks the relationship and abundance areas, and this is clearly a challenge in the school, it is constantly loosing money, there are many different modes of thinking which result in not being able to move forward because of the lack of cohesiveness amongst the varying interests and ways of those involved. It's totally intriguing!I love how everything has symbolic representation in ways we don't even know about yet!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Damn Laundry Room - by: Jane Kifer
I have a bag started to get rid of stuff! yay me,- NO, not yay me. I put it, once again, for the holding period until it is full, in my laundry room. Fine enough, NO NOT FINE enough! It is my relationship corner and let me tell you , we are constantly doing laundry! Emotionally, constantly getting old patterns and shit out! So exhausting (and amazing). I made a deliberate choice to put a pinkish, beige, whiteish abstract painting I made in there, and I hung pictures up of two birds facing each other and a little post it of two hearts. That helped actually, things calmed down and became less "house cleaning" with our hearts. I stopped gathering bags to give away there, but , yesterday I thought one little bag hung up would be okay right? Ugh I am going to go move it. We had the wonderful experience of cleaning out more emotional stuff last night. Not my favorite way to spend my time, but worth it in the end- always. I need to go move it. Next to my desk seems okay, only thing is the kids get into it and pull everything I want to give away back out and then I'm cleaning up even more! In my bedroom I also honored the relationship corner more. I put a photo of my partner and myself, TWO PLANTS that are healthy and blooming. The relationship corner of the house and or of the bedroom are the most back right corner from walking in the door. Keep in mind not every home is a perfect square, like my little dilapidated bungalow of perfection, but unless the area is missing in some way, this should be honored with intention and awareness for healthy relationships. Trust me!
Headboard Means Support - by: Jane Kifer
Let's talk Headboards! Turns out they are sort of important, especially for a couple. It needs to be wood and solid and attached to the bed. It is there to support you two! Make changes. It's important for your relationship. I finally bought a bed as an adult and I LOVE it, I am a grown up- Wahoo! Thankfully it has a great headboard- as I started taking the Feng Shui class I realized it's importance- whew, good choice Jane. They also say that there should be space under the bed, not on the ground type of bed. AND NO CLUTTER under there! Put the wrapping paper, sweaters and JUNK SOMEWHERE ELSE! This is not a storage dumping ground, this is a sacred space where you spend half of your life. Don't sleep on a heap of stuff like the princess and the pea, believe me, those quantum particles will be felt in your life! My mentor actually said, if you are trying to have a baby, it is helpful for the space under the bed to collect ling particles- a sort of energetic dust in creation. I, however, am NOT interested in conceiving at this time, so I make sure to sweep under there often!
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
I Am The Teacher, You Are The Student - by: Jane Kifer
Have you noticed whether you are the teacher or the student, some classes are chaos and some classes are organized? Well, check this out- The teacher's desk should always face the door to have the "command" position. The students should have their back to the door. Since this understanding, I have noticed in my own classes, this phenomenon. When I am facing the door and they are between me and the door, everything is under control and calmer. When My side or back is to the door, NO ONE is listening and it feels like all hell is breaking loose with the 4-11 year olds! And that is not so much fun. So Now I intentionally make sure I am facing the door! It doesn't matter what direction or layout they are as a group as long as I , the great maestro am facing the door. Then we can all be present and offering our best selves for the class.
Feng Shui Your Purse - by: Jane Kifer
Seriously? Feng Shui your purse? What does that even mean? Oh yeah, it means clean the (excuse my language) shit out! And while you're at it- your car? I drove around with all those bags I so amazingly collected in my house of stuff I didn't want anymore, for about a month. Sure let's carry around extra weight everywhere we go, in my purse, in my trunk, let alone the crazy mess of children I allow in my car. When I bought a new car, it helped a little and we all try better to clean stuff up and out like my daughter's 5 pairs of shoes or food that gets forgotten on the way to school in a bowl that got missed for 4 days. YUCK! Bad feng Shui! Bad Feng Shui!, that's just bad everything, I don't need to become a master to see that those areas definitely need a little effort, and I mean a little, as in pick it up and put it in the trash or the sink. There is an absolute metaphor for the heavy extras you carry in your bag or purse, the random old papers, the 15 bracelets your daughter made you, the 3 balls, a skateboard washer that goes between the bushings that your son decided he didn't need anymore, the 2 dice from what? The crumbs from the toast you threw ON your purse as you ran out the door one day, CLEAN IT OUT! Or how about the tampons and pads you carry around in a pretty leather pouch "just in case" but never get used for whatever reason and because they are organic, they have already disintegrated and unraveled out of their protective papers and are worn and discolored from the purple leather pouch they are in . Geez. What am I actually trying to be prepared for since it has all been in there a year and never touched? Get rid of it all! Now if anything goes in my car, it goes OUT! I force myself. As much as I don't want to deal with it, I make myself, and it instantly frees mental space of my "to do"list. As much as it's easier to say you don't care and leave it all there forever, what it represents in not dealing has far greater impact on your life than a mere forgetting about it. You see the difference when you do deal with it. Take it from me, I am not a pack rat, But it has taken my whole life to be able to get rid of things. My mother got rid of everything, even things with a heart beat. I'll leave the story there. But as a result I held on to everything! It was an epiphany to realize I was holding on to everything because she let everything go! I moved 17 times before I left home at 17. I lived with everything in view to know it was there. I traveled the world as a teenager with my bag on my lap for security. I mean 9 hour flights to Greece and Italy. My stuff was my safety. I overcompensated for everything that left my life as a child. Holding on to my stuff was holding me back. It has been so incredibly freeing to let things GO! You can do it, let it go!!!! Good luck, be free.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Mirrors, Windchimes and Crystals- What!?!?!?!? - by: Jane Kifer
When some people hear we are becoming Feng Shui masters, they say," Isn't that about a bunch of mirrors and stuff?" - Uh, sort of? and not really? In honor of sticking with what I have learned and know as opposed to trying to share the breadth of what I have No idea about! One thing I have learned is, your bed should essentially have eyesight of the door, if it does not, hanging a mirror on the opposite wall so that you can see the door from your bed is a great choice to make! Oval is better in this case than corners) And if your back is to the front door when you are at the stove, hanging a little wind chime above your head is a good choice. Now WHY?! is a great question. Traditionally for safety, you need to see the door for your safety, if someone is entering . In terms of your bed, for obvious reasons, but in terms of the stove- If the door opened and your back was to it and you didn't see or hear someone entering, all that wind that flies in when the door is opened will blow the fire bigger and splatter the oil you are cooking in your face. So when the door is opened and the wind blows through, the chime will ring a little to warn you and allow you to be aware for your safety. That is the 18,000 year old thinking. So essentially these adjustments of the chime and mirror, are to make you less vulnerable and put you in a more commanding and secure positioning for your welfare.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Doing the Dishes! - by: Jane Kifer
I'd like to make an analogy and relate the importance of clearing stuff out in Feng Shui or just life in general. People want to do the cures and have "magic" occur, but they don't want to deal with their "stuff". That is sort of like making a cake or cooking dinner in dirty dishes. Sure go ahead make a cake in pans that haven't been washed, see how well that goes over! It almost doesn't matter what your intentions or actions are if all your efforts are made in crusty dirty old cake pans. EWWWWW! When you clear out old stuff, things etc- you are creating space for what you do want. It is very simple. You cleaned out a drawer, one drawer and it is essentially like you are saying, I am making space for what works for me, for what I want in my life. I now have room for what I would like to put in my life! Receive in my life! Have in my life! I like the expression "When you pray, move your feet". I'm not traditionally religious, but whether you call it prayer, intention, or if bitch and moan is your method- take action, somewhere, anywhere. Baby steps do wonders! Consider The Butterfly Effect, "The butterfly effect is a term used in chaos theory to describe how small changes to a seemingly unrelated thing or condition (also known as an initial condition) can affect large, complex systems. The term comes from the suggestion that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in South America could affect the weather in Texas, meaning that the tiniest influence on one part of a system can have a huge effect on another part. Taken more broadly, the butterfly effect is a way of describing how, unless all factors can be accounted for, large systems like the weather remain impossible to predict with total accuracy because there are too many unknown variables to track."- Thank you wisegeek for your eloquent explanation! That being said, we don't control all the parts, but we can do our best, And I mean truly our best, which in turn seems to affect everything.
Monday, July 15, 2013
The Story - by: Jane Kifer
It truly amazes me how we get caught up in the paradigm of our own story and repeated language of a situation. Things like " I have no time, I work too much, I have no money, I wish I had a boyfriend, I'm sick again"- or even the stories we were told growing up. The "truths" recited to us about a situation that we carry on as real and formulates our perception, only to grow up and realize, maybe that isn't true, or we see it differently. None the less, I have worked a lifetime on creating new language and shifting perceptions about preconceived notions I might have towards myself about things like money or love in my life. I am by no means discrediting things and yes positive affirmations work in the short term, but for me I felt like I was functioning a little from fear- or rather running from it I should say!, and that if I took a breath or said it wrong, my intention for a positive shift fell flat on it's face. With Feng Shui, I have noticed this wonderful physical representation of our emotional stuff. Where and how things are stuck. Feng Shui is like a representational map that parallels our internal universe. It's the basic level of quantum physics and the relationship between particles and how (don't be scared) energy flows. For some people Energy is a foo foo new age word and for others it's an annoying every day over used California word, but where I am most intrigued is where the physical (energetic) movement of particles in a contained way creates form. All those books my molecular biophysicist brother had around make total sense to me now! The scientific formula version of understanding and my "feeling" translation of understanding is like two languages or studies of the same topic. The tree is green and the tree is tall. Not one or the other. In our Feng Shui classes, it has felt like a drink of water. The talk of energy or Chi, really comes down to the relationship of parts on a subatomic level that gives rise to the realities we feel, are and live in our every day lives. Shifting those physical parts gives rise to the subconscious shift inside ourselves that lead to a better life. My point being. Really look around, see how you feel and move something. Is your instinct " Oh I can't do that- or move it, see it, get rid of it, etc.. it's from my aunt, or I've had it for ten years"? If these are your responses, you are probably holding onto subconscious stuff that isn't in your best interest anymore. perhaps it served you well for a time, but it no longer has a purpose and holding on to it, only holds you back from your true goals and things every changing for the better.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
"Clear Your Clutter" Cliche - by: Jane Kifer
I'm the queen of clutter, no sooner do ten bags of stuff leave that 5 more come in! Papers all over my desk. It is unrealistic of me to think I can have a super clean desk. I am productive with everything out. Screeching halt, STOP. Ok ok , yes that's fine, BUT go through the "stuff" on your desk weekly, or ever. It can be cluttered but fresh clutter. Current clutter. The parts I want to talk about are the 5 bags of stuff you are planning to give away but sit in your relationship corner, the back right corner from your front door. Or your abundance corner, the back left from the front door. That stuff builds, and gets stuck. For years I have gathered bags and bags of stuff to get rid of behind my dryer, perfectly organized and contained- out of the way and on its way out. Except it sat there for 6 months- for years. But I told myself I was letting stuff go.
You know what? my boyfriend and I spent most of our first 2 years of our relationship clearing junk out of our emotional lives. We were constantly cleaning house with our emotional stuff. It was exhausting. I didn't realize it until I started studying Feng Shui, that I needed to move that stuff. I then had the epiphany of the metaphor I had created in my things. I was really good at gathering what to give away but getting it out the door was a whole other looming job! I asked my babysitter if I could pay her an extra hour and she would load all the bags in her car and drive to the community center 3 blocks away where I donate things and drop it off. It took her 15 minutes and she was happy for the extra hours worth of pay and I was relieved and free. And I had help! Go figure! Once you deal with the stuff and see how free it feels, you can't not deal with it after that. The stagnation disappears in all levels of your life.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Move Your Feet - by: Jane Kifer
Like with every new consult, I asked for the floor plan signed and birth dates of family members, She said "Ugh I didn't know I'd have homework?" I smiled and slightly shouted! "It isn't homework, if you don't even want to get me the floor plan, sign it and get me your birth dates, How do you expect me to help you!?!?!?!?!" She laughed and said "OK"
Lesson of the day! MOVE YOUR FEET even a little bit.
Your Door - by: Jane Kifer
When you open your door, does it get stuck? Does it make a noise? Does the handle jiggle? Is it hard to open? Does it hit something when opening? Do you have to climb over something to get to it? Stand outside the front door. Take 9 deep breaths in and out. Open your door and notice what is there. Fix the creaking, tighten the loose screws, clear the path to it. It should open easily, smoothly, with nothing in the way. Repaint it! This is the entry way for all good things to come to you and reach you. Let's welcome all goodness coming to us in! Maybe it's travel and helpful people or your career or skills and knowledge. Notice and pay attention to your front door and say Hello to all great things coming your way!
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